Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Joe's Portal for IDT 516 (92)

Joe's Portal for IDT 516 (92)


Mariann said...

Joe, I see you like Cowboy Poetry. Ever hear of Hal Cannon? He is a fellow I met in Quincy when he came to do a workshop at the QSFA. I have two posters and a book from the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko Nevada. I'm a cowgirl at heart.

Unknown said...

This Cowboy at heart's glad to know you're a Cowgirl at heart, Mariann!

Hal Cannon...cool!

I first heard Wallace MacRae do his poem Reincarnation on Johnny Carson years ago. It is drop dead funny!

While a student at Black Hawk College I found a little book of "Cowboy Poetry A Gathering" by Hal Cannon. We had a house fire and I lost it. Then I recently did a musical program at the Figge Art Museum for their Western Art show and I ordered that book again and lo and behold there's Hal Cannon's name as the editor and he has a second book "New Cowboy Poetry A Contemporary Gathering." Haven't had a chance to peruse it but do own it so I will. I relearned Reincarnation for the Figge gig.
Nosin' around the Cowboy Poetry gathering site and wouldn't ya know it Hal Cannon's in charge of that and the museum and, undoubtedly, has a lot to do with the gathering in Elko.