Life's been rushing by and filled with full schedule of tasks at work. A group project for IDT 510 that's due tomorrow night by midnight, post to this blog, post to a discussion question in IDT 510, post to the 516 Wiki page, worked on my Web Portal for 516, dr.'s appointments, and a minor family emergency that's just eaten and eating up my time this week. Probably nothing any different in everyone else's lives. If Sunday's nice, I've got to replace a roof on the addition to my garage.
I have managed to locate several articles on the internet about rubrics, copied them into a Word doc so I've got 'em listed in one spot and saved it to my hard drive.
I've got a question about the Web Portal, if Dr. West is checkin' this blog or anyone else that knows the answer...I'm not sure how you send a link to the Web Portal page that we set up on seems like there's no specific identifier for my portal page...I've been able to send a link to a tab...but I'm not sure that's what Dr. West is wanting.
Onward and upward!!!!
I was wondering that, too, Joe. It doesn't appear that there's a unique URL for one's own netvibes page, but one of my co-workers bookmarked mine, so it must be there ... I haven't emailed Prof. West mine yet, either, so you're not alone.
I couldn't find a direct link to my portal either.
Its kind of funny I didn't even realize that you were in my IDT 510 class until know. I should have done mine in a group, I ended up doing it by myself. I hope I did all right because it took forever. Good Luck
Hi Joe, I received your tabs from Netvibes. I posted a comment on this assignment in Discussion 5, which I hope you and others will respond to.
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